Leo Norden

Leo Norden is the founder of Dream University. He currently develops a new field of study. Psychology and Philosophy are his favourite subjects. He enjoys to read, research and create.

Goals, values and ideas.


Faith is confidence you’re doing the right thing It’s a certainty that in the end - no matter what - something worthwhile will come of your beliefs and actions. It’s the feeling that pursuing this ambition is the best thing you can do for the person you are, and the person you want to be. When you have faith in yourself, you don’t require absolute proof of what will be, and you don’t need the buy-in of others. The faith that will power you to follow through isn’t built on certainty or even hope.

Some ideas are just worth pursuing because, in the pursuing, we get to be true to ourselves.

In pursuing your goal, are you honouring who you are? If your goal doesn’t promote values or ideas that are meaningful to you, then you may not be able to access the trust and confidence you need to make that goal happen. What is the fire that will sustain you through thick and thin? Is it the belief that you are doing something worthwhile? If not, then perhaps you are driven by a need of some kind, maybe a need for recognition or money.