Leo Norden

Leo Norden is the founder of Dream University. He currently develops a new field of study. Psychology and Philosophy are his favourite subjects. He enjoys to read, research and create.

DISTINCTION: Clarity of mind vs. Clarity of understanding

We all experience clarity of mind from time to time; present and in the moment, with our heads free from superstitious thinking. While the flow states regularly enjoyed by athletes, musicians and dancers (among others) are a familiar example of clarity of mind, we all experience this in different ways and at various times in our own lives. Clarity of mind is, by its nature, fleeting; no one has it all the time.

Clarity of understanding is the degree to which you insightfully understand the inside-out nature of reality; the realization that 100% of your felt experience of life is coming from THOUGHT in the moment. The fact that you’re reading this book means that you’re in the process of becoming one of those exceptional people who has clarity of understanding about the inside-out nature of life. Clarity of understanding is permanent. Once you experience an increase in your level of understanding, you never lose it. You’ll lose sight of it from time to time (if you’re anything like me, it’ll be on a daily basis), but your insights into the inside-out nature of life are still there within you; it’s only a matter of time before your wisdom reminds you and guides you back to clarity.

Of course, we all have an innate understanding of the inside-out nature of life at the core of our consciousness; it’s what we’re “made of” at the most essential level. So, as you keep looking in this direction, and allowing insight to dissolve the outside-in misunderstanding, it’s inevitable that your increasing clarity of understanding will continue rising. And the higher it rises, the more clarity of mind you’ll find yourself experiencing.